Far Infrared Ray (FIR)

Terapi FIR melalui fabrik FIR

Terapi; dalam istilah perubatan, ertinya perbuatan pemulihan masalah kesihatan, selepas diagnosis. Terapi Inframerah Jauh adalah sejenis terapi tenaga rendah dengan menggunakan cahaya dalam spektrum inframerah jauh untuk rawatan masalah kesihatan. Terapi Inframerah Jauh kadangkala disingkatkan kepada TERAPI FIR atau TERAPI INFRAMERAH.
Walaupun jarak gelombang FIR adalah terlalu panjang untuk mata untuk melihat, kita boleh mengalami tenaga kerana haba yang lembut, berseri, yang boleh menembusi sehingga [3.5] inci di bawah kulit. Oleh itu, Terapi Inframerah Jauh, atau Terapi FIR juga sejenis terapi cahaya dan terapi haba, ia berfungsi untuk meningkatkan kesihatan melalui prinsip-prinsip berikut:
  • Memperbaiki peredaran darah mikro dengan soothering saluran darah, yang biologi berfaedah.
  • Meningkatkan penghantaran oksigen dan nutrien dalam sel darah ke kawasan tisu lembut badan
  • Meningkatkan fungsi sel darah putih, seterusnya meningkatkan tindak balas imun dan menghapuskan patogen asing dan bahan buangan sel.
  • Menyahkan toksin yang terkumpul dengan memperbaiki peredaran limfa yang sering di teras banyak masalah kesihatan. Membina toksin dalam badan kesihatan boleh menyekat peredaran darah yang normal dan menjejaskan tenaga selular. Apabila gelombang FIR digunakan, molekul air yang merumuskan toksin mendapatkan haba, dan mula bergetar. Getaran ini mengurangkan ikatan ion atom yang memegang bersama molekul air. Sebagai pecahan molekul air berlaku, gas yang dikapsulkan dan lain-lain bahan toksik dikeluarkan dan badan akan segar kembali.
  • Menggalakkan pertumbuhan semula dan penyembuhan cepat
  • Meningkatkan metabolisme di antara darah dan tisu.
  • Merangsang hipotalamus, yang mengawal pengeluaran neuro-bahan kimia yang terlibat dalam apa-apa proses biologi seperti kesukaran tidur, mood, sensasi kesakitan dan tekanan darah tinggi
Melalui mekanisme di atas, Terapi Inframerah Jauh dengan produk pakaian FIR terapeutik boleh meletakkan badan di bawah rawatan inframerah jauh pada bila-bila masa hari ini, dan walau bagaimana lama yang dikehendaki pengguna. Dengan dos tenaga FIR yang rendah, tiada risiko membakar sel-sel badan. Terapi Inframerah Jauh telah terbukti mempunyai kesan yang baik dalam merawat tanda-tanda berikut:
  • Artritis
  • Sakit otot dan kekejangan
  • Sakit sendi atau bahu
  • Sindrom Raynaud
  • Kekurangan vena atau penyakit vena
  • Keletihan kronik atau tidak cukup imun

Terapi Inframerah Jauh juga telah terbukti dalam membantu proses penurunan berat badan, untuk menggalakkan pertumbuhan rambut baru, memperbaiki sistem imunisasi dan kesihatan secara keseluruhan.

Terapi inframerah jauh adalah mengikut prinsip penyembuhan holistik. Ia tidak hanya merawat gejala, ia juga meningkatkan fungsi seluruh badan, rawatan gejala hanya datang secara semulajadi.

Therapy, in medical term, means the act of remediation of a health problem, after the diagnosis. Far Infrared Therapy is a type of low energy therapy using light in the far infrared spectrum for the treatment of a health problem. Far Infrared Therapy is also sometimes abbreviated to FIR Therapy or Infrared Therapy for short.

The most light we see every day is actually a combination of many different types. All lights are electro-magnetic waves. The wavelengths of lights determine their properties. Lights could be visible, or invisible. Visible lights could also present different colors. As shown in above image, the Sun lights spectrum ranges from ultraviolet and violet on the short wavelength side, to red and infrared on the long wavelength side. 
Different types of light interact with our body differently. In general, the shorter the wavelength of a light, the harmful it is to living cells. Lights, like ultraviolet, are very harmful to living cells. The most beneficial lights are those whose wavelength is near the red light. Far Infrared Therapy, or FIR therapy or Infrared Therapy uses far infrared light which is part of the Sun light spectrum whose wavelengths fall just below (what the word infra means) the visible red light. 
Although the wavelengths of FIR are too long for the eyes to perceive, we can experience its energy as gentle, radiant heat, which can penetrate up to [3.5] inches beneath the skin. So Far Infrared Therapy , or FIR Therapy is also a kind of light therapy and heat therapy, it works to enhance health through following principles:
  • Improve micro blood circulation by soothering blood vessels, which are biologically beneficial.
  • Increase the delivery of oxygen and nutrients in the blood cell to the body’s soft tissue areas
  • Enhance white blood cell function, thereby increasing immune response and the elimination of foreign pathogens and cellular waste products.
  • Remove accumulated toxins by improving lymph circulation which are often at the core of many health problems. The build up of toxins in a health body could block the normal blood circulation and impair the cellular energy. When FIR waves are applied, the water molecules that encapsulate the toxins get heat up, and start to vibrate. This vibration reduces the ion bonds of the atoms that are holding together the molecules of water. As the breakdown of the water molecules occurs, encapsulated gases and other toxic materials are released and the body gets rejuvenated.
  • Promote regeneration and fast healing
  • Increase metabolism between blood and tissue.
  • Stimulate the hypothalamus, which controls the production of neuro-chemicals involved in
  • such biological processes as sleep, mood, pain sensations, and blood pressure

Through above mechanism, Far Infrared Therapy with FIR therapeutic clothing products could put the body under far infrared treatment any time of the day, and however long the user wants. With low dose of FIR energy, there is no risk of burning of the body cell. Far Infrared Therapy has been shown to have good effects in treating following symptoms:
  • Arthritis
  • Muscle pain and spasm
  • Shoulder or joint stiffness
  • Raynaud’s syndrome
  • Venous insufficiency or venous disease
  • Chronic Fatigue or immune insufficiency
Far Infrared Therapy has also been shown to aid the process of weight loss, to promote the growth of new hair, to improve immune system and the overall health.
Far infrared therapy follows the holistic healing principle. It does not only treat a symptom, it enhances the whole body function, the treatment of the symptom simply comes along naturally.

Kesan FIR pada tubuh manusia

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